In this age we are living and our life completely or to some extent on digital technology.Although human life is under actions of 'digitlization'.when we awakeup early in the morning first our hands picks our mobile phone,we switch on our mobile set,search about misscalla,messages,received calls,call history,our emails.If we have some spare time with us,we busy ourself to calling with our friends,with relatives and with others.on our mobiles phones we enjoy chats,internet browsing.we also enjoy using social media such as,facebook,snapchat,eskimi,bloggers.wordpress,tambler.some time we sell and buy different thing/materials on internet.yes,some make money on internet.One of my friend is 'youtube'creator.he edits videos on youtube and earn some amount of money every month.he is running youtube worldwide famous channal'Willing poin11'.people watch his videos and he get some dollers every month.think about computer.our entire life activities are under the influence...
These my blog posts will encircule all sphere of human lifs,about love and hate,eniminity and affections,relationships and affairs,furthermore About family life,kids traning and education,sexy affairs with girlfriends,And muchmore,as you like,wish and demond to me,for further suggestions/improvements,please emaail me at Yor are most welcom